
Photo report from the delegation FMS to Malaysia and Indonesia

During the month of February 2016, representatives from the Seville Mosque Foundation have been invited to Malaysia and Indonesia where they continued the work on the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. Once again, our most sincere thanks to each and every one of those who had welcomed us and helped us along the way. It has been an …

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Celebration of Layla Tul Qader

Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit* descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. *[Yibril.]  Peace, it is until the emergence of dawn. Sura of the …

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Ibn Khaldun, an Universal Andalusian

On Saturday 12th of March at 19:30, Hajj Khalid Nieto, spokesman from the Sevilla Mosque Foundation, will lecture at the Cultural Center of Villa Almonte, Huelva. The event is organized by ‘Blas Infante’ Islamic Cultural Association.

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A walk through history and nature, Alcalá de Guadaíra. (Photo gallery).

A WALK FOR HISTORY AND NATURE Under this denomination we have implemented a program of socio-educational activities, where through walks to different scenarios with historical enclave: towers, walls, minarets, ancient mosques, castles, historical towns, buhairah … and natural routes, link several objectives in a single activity. Among these objectives we can highlight: Encourage the love of the young people to …

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XIII Meeting – Islam in Europe, Great Mosque of Granada

Over the following days 22nd, 23rd and 24th of July, will be celebrated to mark the 13th anniversary of the Great Mosque of Granada, the XIII Meeting Islam in Europe, under the slogan “Islam. The path of balance”. On Friday there will be the traditional feast in the gardens of the mosque. For more information visit The final program …

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Conference at the University of Indonesia, Jakarta

The Seville Mosque Foundation by an invitation from the University of Indonesia presented a conference entitled ‘The history of Islamic civilization and Islam in Spain’. The conference will take place in the main hall of the University of Indonesia, Jakarta, on Wednesday the 10th of February, 2016, from 08:00 h. (local time). The presentations that will take place are: The …

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II Meeting of Muslim Women in Seville

Saturday 9th of January, will take place in Seville the II Meeting of Spanish Muslim Women, organized by the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. The titles to discussed in this second meeting are: ¨The history about the origin of the identity of the Shias.¨ ¨Study on Fatima and Aisha in its historic context.¨ The lectures will be given by Zulaikha …

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