
Resumen Taller de Reforestación; Operación Encina.

El domingo 9 de febrero la asociación “Operación Encina” realizó un taller de reforestación en la sede de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla. El taller comenzó con una introducción donde se explicó brevemente las características de las encinas, la importancia para el ecosistema local de las encinas, su impacto y simbiosis con el medio, tanto vegetal, animal y fúngico y …

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Photo report from the visit to Holland

At the beginning of March 2016, a delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation and from the Granada Mosque Foundation were invited to Holland by Sidi Mohammed Temsamani, founder of the Assalaam Mosque in Panningen, Netherlands, who has been decorated personally by King William Alexander in the Assalaam Mosque. Soon we will publish in depth about the history of this great …

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Taller de reforestación; Operación Encina

El domingo día 9, después de la recitación del Corán y café, tendremos una un taller de reforestación con la asociación ´Operación Encina´. La actividad es abierta para niños y padres, abierta y gratuita. El Corán será a las 11h, café 11.30h la actividad comenzará a las 12h.La asociación ´Operación Encina´, de Granada, está haciendo un gran trabajo a nivel …

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Class and Iftar with the community of Almonte, Huelva

The 19th night of Ramadan Hajj Khalid Nieto and Doctor Fawwas were invited to teach a class in the ¨Islamic Cultural Center Blas Infante” in Almonte, Huelva. At the iftar fifty people participated, they all had generously contributed with a dish of Moroccan tradition. Before the Isha prayer, the participants from the Seville Mosque Foundation gave a class, as is …

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Muslim Woman with 8 Andalusian Surnames

Next April 22nd, at 18.30 a meeting would be held at the Centro Civico Las Sirenas, under the title; Muslim Woman with Eight Andalusian Surnames. The event is organized by the women area of the Seville Mosque Foundation, and which will involve several women stating the following: Maternity and creativity. Women and health. The family. Spirituality and Politics. After the …

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Hispano-Moroccan International Conference “Women and Education in the university areas of Spain and Morocco”

During the 3rd and 4th of March it took place at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Education at the University of Seville, the Hispano-Moroccan International Conference “Women and Education in the university areas of Spain and Morocco”. Within the program, and under the title ¨Religion and School¨. Religious sings and the Islamic veil, Asisa Nieto had an intervention, student …

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III Meeting of Muslim Women in Seville

On Saturday 19th of March the third meeting of Spanish Muslim women will be celebrated in Seville, organized by the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. The theme of the talk at the third meeting will be: ¨The organization and functioning of the government and society under the Ottoman Empire¨ All Muslim women and those who are interested in Islam are …

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