
VIII Conference on Education

   On the 25th, 26th and 27th of December the Islamic Studies Center in Granada will hold the VIII Conference on Education, under the title ¨When the Community Educates¨. The conference is organized by the Educational Al-Andalus Foundation and by the Granada Mosque Foundation. Anyone who is interested in the event is most welcome. PROGRAM              Friday 25th 10.00 − Welcome. Emir …

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Photo Gallery: Party end of the course from Madrasa Al Munawara

One more year students and teachers from the Madrasa Almunawara celebrate the end of Quran and Arabic classes course. After nine months of learning, small have shown that they have not only achieved it, but it has also created a bond of friendship and fellowship among them. We can say that we have completed with very proud teachers and children …

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¨The voices of the Book¨ – Seville University

Yesterday, Wednesday 1st of June, at five in the afternoon, was celebrated at the Cultural Hall of the Philosophy Faculty at the Seville University, a meeting under the title “the voices of the Book”. Under the organization of Fernando Morales as a Catholic representative. As guest attended, Victor an orthodox priest and Daniel an evangelist philosopher. From the Seville Mosque …

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I Meeting of Muslim Women in Seville

Saturday 28th of November, will take place in Seville the I Meeting of Spanish Muslim Women, organized by the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. In this conference, different aspects of current interest will be discussed, women of knowledge and recognition will be invited to give lectures, debates and workshops. All Muslim women and those who are interested in Islam are …

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XX Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real, Huelva

Del 11 al 13 de octubre de 2019 se celebran en Almonaster la Real las “XX Jornadas de Cultura Islámica” en las que desde sus inicios, ha contado con la cooperación activa en su organización y participación con la Comunidad Islámica en España, a través de la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla. Es un honor y un placer para nosotros seguir colaborando activamente …

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Recepción de Tun Abdullah en Sevilla

El día de ayer la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla tuvo el honor de recibir a Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi, 5º Primer Ministro de Malasia, junto a su familia y delegación en Sevilla. La recepción entre la Fundación del Legado de Tun Abdullah, Hadhari Global Network, y la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, tuvo lugar en uno de los salones del Hotel …

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