
Khutba: “The actions are according to their seals (their endings).”

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon Allaah be upon him) said: “Deeds are in accordance with their seals (their ends).” This is true in each and every one of our actions, but more particularly in actions of worship. No act is worthwhile if it is not carried to the end, and not only to its conclusion, but it is …

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Eid al Fitr Khutba and salat photos

Muslims, rejoice in the glad tidings of success, forgiveness, blessings, contentment and acceptance of Allaah for having fulfilled the obligation to fast in the month of Ramadan, for having performed salaat during the night, for having paid Zakat al-Fitr and for attending Eid salat. For Allah, may He be exalted, says in His Book of Generosity: “He who purifies himself, …

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Eid al Fitr, Saturday, July 18, Seville

The Eid al Fitr prayer will be celebrated in Alamillo Park. The dhikr will start at 9am, the Salat will be at 9.15am. Remember that Zakat al-Fitr must be given before the Eid prayer. According to the Maliki fiqh, one sa ́a (*) must be given per person, of some basic, non-perishable food. It can be dropped off at the …

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Layla tul Qader, Seville

It is true that we made him descend on the night of the Decree. And how do you know what the night of the Decree is? The night of the Decree is better than a thousand months. In it the angels and the spirit descend with the commands of your Lord for every matter. Peace, she lasts until dawn. Qur’an, …

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Meeting with Umar Kanoute, Dubai

On the return trip, with a stopover in Dubai, the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the opportunity to see Umar Kanoute, with whom we hope to continue strengthening the ties of support and collaboration between the two foundations. It was a pleasure to see him in action in his new career, passing on to the younger ones the …

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