
XIII International Muslim Forum, Helsinki

From December 10th to 12th, the XIII International Muslim Forum was held in Helsinki, Finland, to where Malik Ruiz, president of the Islamic Community in Spain and from the Seville Mosque Foundation, was invited as lecturer. The general title of this year has been “Quranic humanism and global problems of modernity; strategies and solutions¨. It was a very constructive event …

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Visita de IEDH a la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla

Hoy hemos tenido el placer de volver a recibir un grupo de estudiantes de Integra Educatio Desarrollo Holístico SL (IEDH), junto a sus profesoras, con el fin de acercar al alumnado a la comunidad musulmana de Sevilla. Desde el Departamento de Sensibilización Cultural de Integra Educatio Desarrollo Holístico se han realizado ya varias visitas a la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, …

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Interview on Zayan Radio, Malaysia, in support of the #ATileForSeville campaign

Interview on Zayan Radio with Hajj Sharudin Dawam, President of Ukhwah 4 Ummah and Hajj Muhsin Sierra, PR of the Seville Mosque Foundation and Director of OMEYA TOURS, on the #ATileForSeville campaign A Tile for Seville. Dengarkan Zayan Radio jam 6-7ptg dan dengarkan perkongsian kempen bersama Presiden, Ukhwah 4 Ummag, dan Pengarah Perhubungan Antarabangsa @mezquitasevilla. Tune in to Zayan radio …

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Resumen de la exposición de manuscritos Andalusíes en el Sahel

Con la presencia del Sr. Embajador de Malí tuvo lugar en las XXII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la real una visita guiada a la exposición “Manuscritos Andalusíes en el Sahel”.  Bajo peticion del propio embajador a participar en la actividad, el ponente, Hajj Jalid nieto cedió en varias ocasiones la palabra a tan ilustre persona, haciendo de traductor …

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Hajja Atika Jimenez at the “I Meeting of Muslim Women of Spain”

Hajja Atika Jimenez, representing the Seville Mosque Foundation, during a conference entitled; “Political Influence of Muslim Women in the Community”. The activities are being carried out in two spaces that characterize and visualize Islam in Granada: the Alquería de Rosales and the Great Mosque of Granada, as well as a visit to the Alhambra. We wish all the success and …

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Khalid Nieto at the Dialogue Table between Cultures, Seville

Last Saturday, December 2nd, the communication director of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Mr. Khalid Nieto participated in the 2nd meeting of dialogue between cultures; ‘Table of dialogue between cultures for peace and nonviolence’. Event organized by ‘Andalucía Intercultural Association’ and by ‘Claver Association’. Hajj Khalid participated with two presentations. In the interreligious dialogue table he analyzed the concept of world …

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