Activities & Events

Workshop on how to prevent and confront Islamophobia

Islamophobia is a form of rejection, aversion and hostility towards Islam and everything related to it -real or not, that is, supposedly related to it, even if it is not-; and towards Muslims, which in certain circumstances can be combined -that is, not necessarily- with forms of religious intolerance, racism, xenophobia … It manifests itself in the form of prejudices, …

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Reunión con Lorena García de Izarra, Directora de la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterraneo

El día de ayer tuvimos el placer de recibir en la Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla a Lorena García de Izarra, recientemente nombrada Directora gerente de la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterraneo y Antonio Chaves, Responsable de Planificación Estratégica y Programación de la Fundación Tres Culturas. Queremos mostrar nuestro agradecimiento por su cortesía y esfuerzo al venir a visitarnos en la …

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Meeting with Mrs. Mercedes Murillo, Deputy General of Relations with the Religious Confessions of the Ministry of Justice

On Friday, November 30, representatives of the Islamic Community in Spain, the Seville Mosque Foundation, the Granada Mosque Foundation and the Al Andalus Educational Foundation met with Mrs. Mercedes Murillo, Deputy General of Relations with the Religious Confessions of the Ministry of Justice. The meeting was attended by Umar Del Pozo, president of the Islamic Community in Spain, Ibrahim Hernández, …

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The Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants, in collaboration with the Seville Mezquita Foundation, will hold a workshop at the Mosque at Ponce de León, with the aim of preventing Islamophobia and sensitizing people, groups and institutions regarding Islamophobia. The event is open to anyone who wants to attend and participate and will be held on Tuesday, December 4th, …

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