
Preparación para Ramadán

Este sábado día 4 tendrá lugar en Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla una clase enfocada a nuevos musulmanes, y a quienquiera repasar el fiqh del ayuno, como preparación para el mes de Ramadán. Se tratarán temas referentes al comienzo y final de Ramadán, la forma de ayunar (lo obligatorio, lo recomendable, lo indeseable y lo que lo rompe o invalida) y …

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Gallery: Conference at the Indonesian University

Five lectures were given in four of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia, based on the agenda of the recent trip to Indonesia by a delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, organized by His Excellency the Ambassador of Indonesia in Spain, Ibu Yuli Mpuni. The theme of the conference was, ¨the development of Islam in Andalusia and its challenges¨, from …

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Audience with HE Pak Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of Indonesia

The Vice President of Indonesia, HE Pak Jusuf Kalla received in audience the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, in Jakarta, Indonesia. During the meeting at the presidential palace, the delegation had the opportunity to share with His Excellency Pak Yusuf Kalla the situation of Muslims in Spain, and they presented the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, to …

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ISOMIL, Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders

During the 8th, 9th and 10th of May, a delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to participate in the Internation Summit of Moderate Islamic Leaders, Isomil, organized by Nahdlatul Ulama in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a real honor for us to attend and participate in this transcendental event, during which representatives from different countries of the world presented their proposals …

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‘Intercambio cultural entre España e Indonesia’

Ayer, día 21 de marzo, tuvo lugar el foro ‘Intercambio cultural entre España e Indonesia’. La meta de este evento era estrechar relaciones culturales entre estos dos países y explorar las formas de convivencia entre diferentes culturas y religiones, tanto las presentes como las históricas. El evento estuvo compuesto por varias mesas de diálogo, en las que participaron intelectuales y …

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Programme of the visit to Indonesia

Dear Bapak/Ibu/and all Muslim brothers in Indonesia. We just would like to kindly inform you that, Insha Allah, we will pay visit to Jakarta and Jogjakarta, Indonesia on 9-19 May 2016 to attend a seminar by PBNU and to deliver several public lectures as well as fund-raising activities. We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to all parties …

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