
PRESS – Death of D. Rafael Valencia

RELEASEDeath of Rafael Valencia The Seville Mosque Foundation has conveyed its condolences to the family of D. Rafael Valencia on Saturday afternoon. The vice president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Hajj Jalid Nieto yesterday went to the mortuary of the SE30, in order to leave testimony of the feeling that many members of the Foundation have left behind the sudden …

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Presentada en la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo la obra; “Corpus Epigráfico Árabe del Real Alcázar de Sevilla”

Presentada en la Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, después de 25 años desde su realización, la obra; “Corpus Epigráfico Árabe del Real Alcázar de Sevilla”, Colección CantArabia, Madrid. En un emocionante acto, bajo la dirección de Natalia Arce, se presentó la obra “Corpus epigráfico árabe del Real Alcázar de Sevilla”. Doña Carmen Ruiz Bravo-Villasante, directora de la colección Círculo Cantarabia …

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Collaboration agreement with the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants

The Seville Mosque Foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with the Moroccan Association for the Integration of Immigrants, to integrate us into its network of information points against Islamophobia. The Moroccan Association carries out during 2020 the “National Program for the Prevention of Islamophobia” in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security and the Fund for Asylum, …

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Comunicado Coronavirus – Actualizado

COMUNICADO URGENTESábado 14 de marzoEstado de Alarma De acuerdo con el Real Decreto 463/2020 del 14 de marzo, por el que el Gobierno de España ha declarado el estado de alarma debido a la epidemia del Coronavirus (Covid19), se acuerdan las siguientes medidas: La Mezquita queda cerrada para toda su actividad hasta el fin del estado de alarma.Todas las actividades …

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Indonesian travelers group visit to the Seville Mosque Foundation

Two weeks ago, the Seville Mosque Foundation received a visit from a group of Indonesians who were traveling by hand of Ilimtour. During their visit they showed interest in knowing the status of the Cultural Center construction project and the activities we carry out. Before leaving, they delivered a sadaqa as a show of support for the Foundation and the …

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Indonesian group visit to the Seville Mosque Foundation

Last week, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the pleasure of receiving at its headquarters a group of travelers from Indonesia who were traveling with Best Halal Trips. At the head of this group was Dr. Edy Hamdi a whole reference in halal tourism in Indonesia. This group was received by Hajj Abdelghani Melara Navío, who, apart from answering the group’s …

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Closing remarks of Tun Mahathir at the KL Summit 2019

CLOSING REMARKS BY THE HON TUN DR MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA AND CHAIRMAN OF KL SUMMIT AT THE KUALA LUMPUR SUMMIT 2019 First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who had been with us since the Summit began on Thursday together with those who were delayed.I truly hope that it has been a fruitful three …

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